At Pickhill we believe in the power of pupil voice. This is represented through our:
School Council and House Captains
At the start of each academic year, the children democratically elect their School Council. Children, who would like to become part of the School Council, make a speech and the children then vote. The School Council then meets regularly to discuss topics from fundraising to improving the school grounds. Click here for an example of our minutes: SC Minutes 031121
Children in Year 5 and 6 also have the opportunity to become house captains. The house captains are responsible for representing their team at events and during the weekly house point collection in Celebration Assembly. House Captains also sit on the School Council.
Reading Ambassadors
The Reading Ambassadors are responsible for promoting reading in our school. They look after the Reading Raffle – they choose books for prizes and draw the raffle during celebration assemblies. They give recommendations for books which are displayed in the library and they keep the reading scrap book up to date. The older Reading Ambassadors work with the younger children as reading buddies. They have been responsible for organising competitions such as The Extreme Reading Challenge and they are currently working on creating a reading shed to be used at playtimes.
Eco Committee
Every Friday, at after school club, we hold an Eco Club where children can choose to become part of our Eco Committee. The children discuss ways to improve our school environment but they also consider how we can help with wider environmental issues. Pickhill has The Green Flag award.
Collective Worship Team
The Collective Worship Team lead on elements of collective worship, they ensure the hall is set up and help to gather children's weekly reflections. Children write and read prayers linked to the weekly Christian Value and support the delivery of the worship.
Picture News Champions
We have a team of Picture News Champions. These children are responsible for the discussion around our British Value during the Picture News Collective Worship each week. They are also responsible for updating the Picture News display and folder and they collect and display the children’s reflections on the weekly question.
Play leaders
A group of KS2 children have completed their playleader training and set up games every playtime to ensure that all children have the opportunity to play a range of games. They encourage children to take part and offer support to those children that are on their own or are looking for friends to play with.