Pickhill CofE VC Primary School

01845 567 339


Pickhill CofE VC Primary School

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Our Curriculum


At The Synergy Schools Federation, we teach maths using a ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach.

Teaching for Mastery

This approach to teaching maths means that instead of learning mathematical procedures by rote, pupils develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. This will enable them to make connections and apply their learning in different situations. Mastery is developed through the ‘Five Big Ideas’. These are:

Representation and Structure

New concepts are introduced through a variety of carefully chosen representations and structures, to help all pupils see and understand the maths. These could include the use of double-sided counters, part-part-whole models, ten-frames, bar models, place value counters, base-ten or even stem-sentences.


There are two elements to variation: conceptual and procedural. Both of these elements support pupils to develop a deeper understanding of the maths.

Conceptual variation: new concepts are introduced in a variety of ways so pupils recognise clearly what the concept is, and also what it is not! An example of this might be when introducing rectangles, that a square is a rectangle, but a rhombus is not – and why!

Procedural variation: activities and questions are carefully sequenced using small steps to connect the maths and draw attention to the structure. Pupils are encouraged to notice what is kept the same, what has changed and why!

Rockstar DayFluency

A secure understanding of early number is carefully built on to develop fluency and automaticity of key facts, such as number bonds and multiplication and division facts. Pupils also develop fluency of procedures, such as written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Pupils are encouraged to make connections and therefore use and apply their knowledge flexibly to other contexts.

Mathematical Thinking

Mathematical thinking and discussion is at the heart of our lessons. Pupils work on ideas, think about them, reason with and discuss them with others. We aim for reasoning to be ‘throughout lessons, for all pupils, not at the end of lessons for some’!


Lessons and units of work are broken down into small, connected steps that gradually unfold and develop the concept. This provides access for all pupils and enables them to apply the concept to a range of contexts.

These ‘Five Big Ideas’ are embedded within our maths teaching to ensure pupils develop secure foundations in maths and can apply their knowledge to reason, investigate and problem solve in a variety of ways.

Maths in EYFS

In Foundation Stage, our children receive two short, taught maths sessions each day. One is based on the NCETM's Mastering Number programme which focuses on number, and the other is based on the White Rose long term plan, which also encompasses shape, space and measure. Both of these can be seen by clicking on the links below. On the 'progression of maths knowledge' document, you can see how we aim to develop pupil's maths knowledge in continuous provision

Click here to view our White Rose long term plan for EYFS

Click here to view our overview of Mastering Number in EYFS

Click here for the progression of maths knowledge in EYFS

Pitch and Expectation in Maths

Within the school we follow a long-term mathematics plan for each year group, details of which are found below:

Click here to download our long term plan

Visit our Calculation Policy Page - here

Click here to download the document which shows the mathematical vocabulary used from EYFS to Year 6

Stem day dress up

NumbotsTimestable Rockstars

Numbots & Times Tables Rock Stars

In addition to daily maths lessons, pupils develop automaticity through online platforms. These include Numbots for key stage 1 and Times Tables Rock Stars for year 2 upwards.

These platforms have proved very popular with our pupils. They enjoy regular, short sessions each week within school and at home; perusing the display boards within school which celebrate each child’s progress; fortnightly celebrations across our federation of pupils’ improvements and achievements and even half-termly battles within classes, key stages, school and across our federation!

Synergy Trust Schools

About Synergy Schools

Synergy Schools is a federation of primary schools in the north of North Yorkshire. The federation was formed in September 2018 when Brompton-on-Swale and Crakehall Church of England Primary Schools successfully shared senior leadership capacity. In July 2021, the federation welcomed Leeming & Londonderry Community Primary and Pickhill Church of England Primary school into the federation.